Adult Things

photos by Pablo D. Anton

Antoine Gray Jr. as Jonas and Moire del Carmen Día as Freya

Moire del Carmen Día as Freya

photos by Pablo D. Anton
Set in the near future, in a Hamptons "more Mad Max than Maxi Dress," ADULT THINGS follows three vapid young adults, a newly drafted soldier, and a baby that happens to be a butternut squash in the midst of an international war. When the traumas of war begin to spill over the walls of their beach compound, the characters' apathy is pushed to a breaking point as they confront the violence and terror they have been sheltered from for so long.
4-100 characters. 1 cis man, 1 cis woman, 1 trans woman, 1 trans femme non-binary character. Multiple other gendered characters. approx. 90 minutes.
read a sample on New Play Exchange
production history
MARCH 2023 University Premiere, Carnegie Mellon University
Directed by B Kleymeyer
Jonas.....Antione Gray Jr.
Margot....Kyra Klonoski
Freya....Moire del Carmen Día
Ray....Trey Caperton
Crab Ensemble....Annalisa D'Aguilar, Mari Garzon Toro, Alex Sheffield, Olivia DeWaart
Asst Director....Cole Schubert
Dramaturg....Rowan Dunlop
Scenic Designer....Elena Delvecchio
Costume Designer....Meena Romsaas
Asst Costume Designer....Bunny Brand
Lighting Designer....Ernest Wan
Asst Lighting Designer....Bishop Sforza
Assoc Lighting Designer.....Xotchil Musser
Media Designer.....Reiley Nymeyer
Asst Media Deisgner.....Lilian Kim
Media Engineer....Bahaar Esfahani